RoseRose was taught the importance of giving at an early age, and it has stuck with her throughout her life. Rose vividly recalls a lesson she learned at Mass as a young girl. “My mother would always give me a penny to put in the collection basket,” she said.

One of six children of immigrant parents, Rose was raised with her siblings on the family farm. Growing up, they didn’t have much. Rose milked cows, collected eggs and picked vegetables to sell at the local market. A portion of the proceeds was always shared with those less fortunate. That spirit of giving, even during hard times, has always remained with her. 

Rose became a member of the Sacred Heart Auto League in 1980. Like so many of our faithful friends, she gives because she has a strong devotion to the Sacred Heart and she knows and appreciates all our work with the poor. 

In 2010 she was introduced to the financial opportunities offered through our gift annuities. Rose liked the idea of a guaranteed fixed income for herself, while continuing to help those in need. She quickly decided this was the perfect answer for her retirement. Her banker was skeptical, but our unblemished history of annuity payments answered all of his concerns. 

Our gift annuities require a minimum donation of $1,000. Rates are determined by age but never change once the annuity is funded. For more information on annuities and all of our planned giving options, call us toll free at 888.217.4829.